It doesn't matter if you agree with capital punishment or not to be horrified by these 10 wrongfully executed people.
Sinkholes seem like the stuff of movies, but depending where you live around the world, one could open up within an instant. From the man who was swallowed into a sinkhole whilst he slept, to the f...Read more »
We all love quoting our favorite films but find out which ones you've been getting wrong with 10 famous movie misquotes. Read more »
From a fishing drone, to a drone that can shoot balls, here are 10 NEW Drone Inventions You Must See.... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsb...Read more »
Humans are competitive by nature, that’s why they enjoy each activity more by making it into a competition. There are plenty of strangest competitions out there, some of which are incredibly danger...Read more »
10 Most Dangerous Beaches In The World (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = windo...Read more »
As we return to our trip around the globe, we’re stopping in a rather revered country, one that many wished to see. As we digitally travel to The Land Down Under, we're going to meet 300 jolly sur...Read more »
We've all had those dreams, the thought of what it would be like to have super powers. Well, for these select individuals around the world, it's more than just a dream. From super strength to inhum...Read more »
Toys are constantly being created and sold to fill gaps in the market, but this list of 10 weirdest toys will make you wonder what these toy makers were thinking. Masturbating Tarzan and a slab of ...Read more »
10 Future Weapons That Need To Be Banned. These ten weapons might seem like the stuff of science fiction, but they could easily become a destructive reality. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoo...Read more »
The porn industry - the sordid side of the internet that offers entertainment to every teenage boy - has generated millions of dollars for some of its biggest stars. From Jesse Jane, who launch...Read more »
Could you imagine being locked in a cage, or forced into a medieval duel by your mum and dad for disobeying them? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbyg...Read more »
"From the Japanese penis festival to the annual goat throwing festival in Spain, these bizarre festivals from around the world are built upon centuries of tradition and history. Tourists from far a...Read more »
How far should you go to keep dangerous criminals in check? From inmates turning to cannibalism, to the modern day dungeon that practices genital electrocution. AllTime10s reveals the worst prisons...Read more »
Looking back I have been to rather a lot of boat shows and events for someone who doesn’t know how to swim and doesn’t own a boat. But if I did know how to swim and I did own a boat I would probably ...Read more »
Here are 10 inventions that will help make the lazy, lazier. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbyg...Read more »
Straight up weird inventions that you need to see to believe. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsb...Read more »
Our Sun batters the Earth with an enormous amount of energy every day, portions of which provide our planet with the light and heat necessary to support precious life. When temperatures get intole...Read more »
With over 1.5 billion people using Facebook in 2016, the social network has become the superpower of the social media landscape. With with power comes responsibility and Facebook has unfortunately ...Read more »
Emergency service numbers are supposed to used when there is real, urgent danger - cases of life and death. Seems simple, right? Well, not for these individuals, who phoned the police about matters...Read more »
There are many places on Earth that are difficult to almost impossible to reach. Aside from natural sites, among them are many man-made objects, such as underground shelters, underground and surface ...Read more »
Jobs are necessary, not only to keep the wheels of society turning, but to improve our quality of life, finance our dreams, or simply to make ends meet. Sometimes things don't go as planned and we...Read more »
Danger and death is around every corner on these 10 incredibly dangerous roads from around the world. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.ad...Read more »
The third rock from the sun, our home, planet Earth is full of mysteries. From the secret ocean flowing beneath the Earth's crust, to the science of how life on Earth began, AllTime10s brings you,...Read more »
Handing in your notice can be a defining moment in anyones career, but for the 10 people on this list, a resignation letter wasn't enough. From hiring a marching band, to jumping out of a plane. ...Read more »
These moves get people shaking their booties: whether it’s twisting, bumping, hustling or moonwalking, there are tons of dance crazes that get people out of their seats and onto the dance floor. W...Read more »
Here are 10 of the most expensive things in the world. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle...Read more »
TOP 10 STRONGEST DOGS IN THE WORLD (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogl...Read more »
Talented, innovative or just plain entertaining, these six-stringers of the female variety know how to get the party rolling. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (ads...Read more »
Want a challenge? Here are some of the most difficult languages in the world to master. Read more »
The man of steel is the world's most iconic superhero, but did you know that Superman helped bring down the real life KKK, or that his sex could kill Lois Lane? With the 2016 blockbuster, Batman v ...Read more »
In modern times many customs have been cast aside, existing only in stories about how things used to be. Not all of them, though. Here are 10 strangely cool UK traditions practiced to this day. N...Read more »
The world's favourite family have been bracing our screens for over 15 years, but did you know abouttheir secret talent for predicting the future. Watch the clip to discover the 10 times the Homer,...Read more »
Planning a summer vacation abroad? Then don't offend the locals. Here are 10 seemingly innocent ways of offending people in other countries. Read more »
Fancy a bowl of cock soup for dinner? Maybe you'd also enjoy some of these 9 other unfortunately named products too.. Read more »
Politics is messy business, but even more so when the leaders of the country get embroiled in a sex scandal. From a murdered mistress, to mass orgies,the 10 worst political sex scandals. Read more »
Forget Professor Snape... From spiking their student's oreos with sedatives to setting up a baby fight club, AllTime10s brings you the 10 most evil teachers. Read more »
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